Check out this photo captured by John Tarson at EpicLava on Jan 28, 2025

Hawaii Volcano Eruption Status Update 2025 - Lava Viewing Tips, Tours, and Live Webcam
OK, let's start with this:
Is the Hawaii volcano eruption dangerous? No, it's not. The "eruption" isn't like an explosion, it's contained within the caldera of Kilauea. It's been going for about 250,000 years ago give or take
No risk of property damage or risk to people as the lava is flowing in the caldera, where it's confined and "normal"
Is the volcano erupting right now, this very minute? Well, it's predictably unpredictable ;)
As of the date of this post, we've had 7 "phases" of fountains erupting. Some lasted days, others no so much. But it has been on and off a few weeks now.
I asked the world renown expert at EpicLava lava tours, (John Tarson) what his thoughts were. Ironically, he was out staring at a fountain with his tour group as he replied back to me :
"From the current activity and what it is possible to tell about the volcano, we will assume these episodic eruptions will continue for the foreseeable future, until the volcano changes it's pattern"
So, should you head out to see the lava? Well, YES!
What if the fountains pause or fizzle out by the time you get there? Well, you still have a hell of a show to see with the bright red lava blanketing the caldera floor at night.
How to tour the lava at Kilauea
Speaking of EpicLava, during my conversation with him, i asked if he had something we could give to folks to book tours with him and he gave us a direct link to his reservation system:
Is it worth doing a tour with EpicLava? Um, yah He's been THE expert, gets you where you need to go SAFELY
If you
Have physical limitations or disabilities? Easy way:
Other resources:
Hawaii Volcano National Park does a great job keep you up to speed on their Facebook page:
And of course John at EpicLava has real-time info: - Look at those photos!!!!
Check out this EPIC video John at EpicLava texted me today:
Kilauea Live Webcam View
USGS webcam view from Youtube:
Big Island Jeep Rental
73-4038 Hulikoa Dr
Kailua-Kona, HI 96740